Realities of Studying Abroad.


This is too great not to share.

Also, I realized that I am compulsively wearing my adorable striped circle scarf that I got from my parents for X-mas ALL THE TIME. I really need to change it up or get another one. But the circle is just too damn convenient and because of Paris, I’m hooked on wearing scarves. As Julie once described it to me, it’s like a little nest that I can rest on and cuddle into. So true Jules, so true.

About kelskraz

I've begun this blog to write about various things while I study abroad in Paris. While I major in film (cheese, let's get real), I'll be studying in Paris for 4 months. I hope that I'm able to keep this updated for family and friends to check out what I'm up to abroad (this is easier than my mother putting a gps on my phone, which almost happened). So with that, bonjour!

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